Ivana Water Billing

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Pages: 19

Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 07/18/2012 07:10 PM

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Ivana Waterworks is known to be the water supplier of the town Ivana. They supply water in the four Barangays namely; Barangay Radiwan, Tuhel, Salagao and San Vicente. They have two types of water connection that concessionaire’s follow, Residential and Commercial. The residential connection has a total of 444 connections while the commercial connection has 4 connections.

Figure 1: Summary of Water Connections in household

Figure 2: Summary of Water Connections in commercial

Statement of the Problem

This study would like to evaluate the existing system of the Municipal Treasury. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How accurate and reliable is the current water billing system?

2. How secure are the records of the concessionaires?

3. How long is the manual transaction?

System Paradigm

* System analysis and design

* System development

* System implementation

Data gathered from researchers and interviews.

Automated Water Billing System


Figure 3: The diagram above shows how the study is being conducted and arrived into an Automated Water Billing System. It indicates its input, process and the output.

Design Methodology



Design the GUI

Testing and Debugging




Figure 4: Waterfall Methodology


In this stage, the proponent conducts interviews and research which serve as a guide.


In this phase, the proponents analyzed well the problem and studied the existing system.

Design the GUI

In this phase, the proponents visualize the new system. It includes drawing the design model of the system and diagram on how the data flows.

Testing and Debugging

In this phase, the proponents conduct testing if the new developed program does run and also started debugging for some...