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Category: Science and Technology
Date Submitted: 09/14/2012 02:49 PM
Axia College Material
Appendix G Sequential and Selection Process Control Structure
In the following example, the second line of the table specifies that tax due on a salary of $2000.00 is $225.00 plus 16% of excess salary over $1500.00 (that is, 16% of $500.00). Therefore, the total tax is $225.00 + $80.00, or $305.00. Salary Range in Dollars 0.00-1,499.99 1,500.00-2,999.99 3,000.00-4,999.99 5,000.00-7,999.99 8,000.00-14,999.99 Base Tax in Dollars 0.00 225.00 465.00 825.00 1425.00 Percentage of Excess 15 % 16 % 18 % 20 % 25 %
1 . 1 2 . 2 3 . 3 4 . 4 5 . 5
Input First Name Last Name Salary Salary Salary Range Category Percentage of Excess Base Tax Salary Percentage Excess Total Base Tax First Name Last Name Salary Gross Salary
Processes 1. Get User Input 2. Determine Range Category 3. Determine Base Tax and Percentage of Excess 4. Determine Gross Salary 5. Display Gross Salary
Output First Name Last Name Salary Salary Range Percentage Excess Total Base Tax Gross Salary First Name Last Name Salary Gross Salary
IT 210
Main Module Declare Name as string Declare SalaryAmt as real Declare Base as real Declare Excess as real Declare Salary as real Declare ReRun as string Call Input Data Module Call Range Module Call Salary1 Module Call Salary2 Module Call Salary3 Module Call Salary4 Module Call Salary5 Module Call Output Module End Main Module
Input Data Module Write, “Insert Employee’s First Name” Input FirstName Write, “Insert Employee’s Last Name” Input LastName Write, “What is the employee’s salary?” Input SalaryAmt Call Range Module End Input Data Module
Range Module If SalaryAmt < 1,499.99 Then Call Salary1 Module Else If SalaryAmt < 2,999.99 AND SalaryAmt > 1,500.00 Then Call Salary2 Module Else
IT 210
If SalaryAmt < 4,999.99 AND SalaryAmt > 3,000.00 Then Call Salary3 Module Else If SalaryAmt < 7,999.99 AND SalaryAmt > 5,000.00 Then Call Salary4 Module Else If SalaryAmt < 14,999.99 AND SalaryAmt > 8,000.00 Then Call Salary5 Module...