Submitted by: Submitted by Beevrly
Views: 343
Words: 491
Pages: 2
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 05/04/2013 09:36 AM
University of Phoenix Material
Differentiating Between Market Structures Table
Compare the four market structures by filling in the table.
| |Perfect competition |Monopoly |Monopolistic competition |Oligopoly |
|Example organization |Agriculture company |Electric Company |Colgate |Sprint |
|Goods or services produced by the |Corn |Electric |Toothpaste |Cell phone service |
|organization | | | | |
|Barriers to entry |There are no barriers to entry. |There are numerous barriers of entry for|Barriers to entry do not exist. There |Barriers to entry are high. |
| | |a monopoly. Start up cost are high and |are low start up cost and no sunk cost.|Patents, economic on scale, and the|
| | |prevent other companies the ability to |A company can enter and exit with |hard to access complex technology. |
| | |enter the market. Patents are barriers |little or no cost. |These barrier of entry prevent |
| | |in which prevent sell of products by | |other companies entering into the |