Pdp Plan for Dba

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 01/15/2014 04:13 PM

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Professional Development Plan

In today’s society there is a strong need for managers to be competitive to integrate strong leadership that stimulates high performance and productivity. Obtaining a doctorate degree is both a personal and profession goal; as it will create opportunities for professional growth and I will be the first in my family to obtain a degree of that level. Most importantly it will increase my earning potential and allow me to bring new and innovative ideas to my organization. My goals at while enrolled in the program are to learn and apply new information in my current career so that I can diversify my portfolio.

After reviewing the outcomes of a Doctor of Business Administration student I feel as though I will be able to reach all of my academic goals. One of the main outcomes of a doctorate student is to understand and continuously develop and change themselves as well as the organizations in which they work, and society at large (Walden University, 2013). I plan to gain more knowledge to increase my current skill set and diversity within the healthcare field; when mixing business and healthcare it is imperative that leaders within this industry stay up to date with new knowledge and trends so that they can remain effective within their roles. My goals within this program are to become more influential within my organization, become more of an expert within the business administration field, and lastly be successful within the program as a whole.