Submitted by: Submitted by pimptress
Views: 568
Words: 881
Pages: 4
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 03/21/2011 11:24 AM
prevented. Risk factors can be controlled by health education, by modifying health habits and behavior,
and by making the right health decisions. It is standard practice today for businesses/corporations to
incorporate some type of health and wellness program for their employees. Through the health and
wellness programs, employers demonstrate a concern not only for the success of the company—but
Health and Wellness in the Workplace
Good health and wellness have become major national issue in today’s society. A new
awareness of and concern about health issues—medical, psychological and social—has become a major
part of our daily lives. A large percentage of the approximately 100 million people who make up
the American workforce spend a major portion of their daily life on the job—at the worksite. Thus, the
promotion of good health and wellness has had a profound affect not only on a daily personal level, but
on a professional level as well. Corporations, businesses and other professional work venues have taken
a new role. Employers now play a key role in and are committed to the promotion of good health and
Workplace wellness is defined as a pro-active process where individuals and businesses/
organizations are made aware of life choices and “respons-ability” that they have and are making the
personal decisions or right choices necessary for a quality life and wellness. [ ] With assistance,
support and facilitation of health and wellness professionals employees can make decisions that lead to
a healthier, better, happier and more productive life.
The personal choices we make regarding our health and wellness affect our physical, emotional,
mental and social being. These in turn affect our professional or work lives. They are determining
factors in how we relate to or react with others, in our mental and physical capabilities, and can have a
profound impact on the occupational or work aspects of...