Coca Cola Organization

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Organizing Paper: Coca Cola Organization

Arthur L. Downs



Richard Ringall

Organizing Paper: Coca Cola Organization

The Coca Cola company began about 125 years ago. It through numerous changes and innovations it has grown from one single product to now more than 500 brands. The Coca Cola company is one of the most widely known beverages companies in all of the world. Coca Cola offers a wide range of beverages such as sodas, tea, and sports drinks. They have grown from selling about 9 bottles a day to now selling 1.7 billion bottles a day on average. The very size of the Coca Cola company allows us to understand that management must be both creative and strategic to keep the company in line with its goals. Two important aspects of the management is the human resource and the technology groups. These two things are important in developing and maintaining harmonious internal and external processes.

Human Resource Department

Human Resource Management deals with formal systems for managing people at work (Bateman & Snell, 2009). Just as with many other companies, at Coca Cola management oversees the human resource department.

Perhaps the most difficult part of Human Resource planning is conducting demand forecast, that is determining how many and what type of people are needed (Bateman & Snell, 2009). This is done by performing constant checks to ensure that they have an adequate number of skilled and competent staff to effieciently and effectively perfrom the tasks of their job. This is important because Coca Cola has many competitor and part of their competitive advantage is found in their most valuable resource, their employees. The management of human capital for any organization is extremely important in remaining competitive.

One way that Coca Cola does this is by making sure that their employees feel as secure in the job as possible. The company does this to reduce the employees apprehensions about their...