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E- Recruitment: The Recent Trend of Recruitment Practices | Home |


E- Recruitment: The Recent Trend of Recruitment PracticesHuman resource management or managing “people” includes several activities. Today acquiring and retaining the employees is the biggest challenge. Thus staffing is a vital activity. Staffing facilitates the supply of employees. These employees are needed to fulfill the Organizational goals and objectives by their effective and efficient performance. And recruitment is a logical step in this staffing process. Recruitment is the process of creating huge pool of potential candidates. It attracts the prospective employees and stimulates them to apply for job. The function of it mainly concentrates on two aspects. First is discovering the sources of manpower to match the job description and job specification. Another is to pull the application of potential candidates to make the selection process successful. The process is generally carried forward by the recruiters. He can be the member or staff of the Organization or can be the employment agency like MAFOI in India.Recruitment before nineteenth century was based on the apprenticeship system. Apprentices were not the employees of the Organization, but after completion of apprenticeship they were absorbed in the company. Compared to apprentices the skilled and qualified candidates were more desirable. Thus the lack of efficient apprenticeship gave birth to the trend of recruitment process in the middle of nineteenth century.FORMS OF RECRUITMENTForms of recruitment can be broadly categorized into two. One is centralized and the other is decentralized. Centralized recruitment is in action when the organization is having a centralized power structure and the departments are not involved in decision making, it is only concentrated in one central department. In government Organizations it is visible, like in State Bank of India. Advantages may be Control of the administrative costs,...