Technology and Its Change on Human Resources

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 03/28/2012 03:27 PM

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Technology and its change on Human Resources

Information technology, also known as IT, has drastically changed the workplaces of the world in the past 50 years. Human Resources Management is an area that is continuously increasing and changing to meet the new demands and challenges of a perpetually developing work force. What was once called "personnel" and related to the reputation for being extremely administrative and dealing exclusively with lots of paperwork, the field has transformed itself into the strategic entity it is today. The field of human resources has historically been limited to a clerical or administrative role in the business arena, dealing mainly with tasks like payroll or attendance. In the modern market, new core HR responsibilities include recruitment and training, oversight of legal and regulatory compliance, benefits administration and the safeguarding of confidential employee information, along with many more. These tasks cannot be carried out effectively without the use of high-tech tools. Advances in technology have not only made the handling of basic administrative tasks more efficient, they have expanded the role of HR and created new disciplines within the field. The changes, however, haven't stopped there. Technology is one particular manifestation of change. All change is difficult and HR departments must consider themselves as agents of change. In particular, with respect to technology, they must minimize resistance to new technology by ensuring that employees are provided with the necessary training and support processes to be able to cope with the change. While bringing both pros and cons along with it, technology has spearheaded into the forefront of human resources management. It is a given that organizations must expect to constantly review and update their technology.

Employee recruitment and training are widely considered to be two of the most important tasks in human resource management. Traditionally, the...