Nonemployment Conflict Management

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 05/31/2012 07:16 PM

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Nonemployment Conflict Management Worksheet

|Concept |Application of Concept in Scenario |Citation of Concept |Personal Experience in your |

| | |in Reading |Organization |

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|Avoidance Choices-Denial to |In a phone conversation Maria Kai had with Dandace|Wilmot & Hocker, |I had a phone conversation with |

|shifting the subject to making |Ishi, Candace avoided non-employment conflict. |2007, p.215 |an irate taxpayer about an |

|irrelevant remarks is a pattern |Maria felt if the conflict was avoided, the | |estimate that was put on his |

|of avoidance. It is hard to |company would be saved from any unwanted | |account due to the non-filing of|

|change avoidance for a couple |publicity. | |his sales tax return. I knew by|

|reasons. The first is because we| | |the tone of his voice there was |

|are supported by others for not | | |going to be an argument with |

|engaging and the second it is | | |him. I chose to avoid the |

|self-reinforcing, meaning | | |conflict and transferred the |

|avoidance begets more avoidance. | | |call to a supervisor to handle. |

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