Speech Technology

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Speech Recognition -

The Emerging Technology

Autumn Baker, Veronica Benavidez,

Coleman Bender, Clarissa Betts, Donna Cassan

DeVry University


Abstract (Donna Cassan) 3

Introduction (Donna Cassan) 4

Historical Development and Context (Autumn Baker) 4

Dragon Systems (Autumn Baker) 7

The Political and Legal Influences (Veronica Benavidez) 10

Influence in the Work Place and on Employment (Veronica Benavidez) 20

The Moral and Ethical Implications (Donna Cassan) 20

Cultural Context and Media Influence (Coleman Bender) 24

Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects (Clarissa Betts) 29

Implications for the environment (Clarissa Betts) 35

Conclusion (Donna Cassan) 39

References (edited by Donna Cassan) 45

Abstract (Donna Cassan)

Voice recognition software corresponds with speech recognition software, which converts articulated words into text. Speech recognition software transforms speech that does not belong to an individual speaker; voice recognition software must be taught to a specific voice. (Evers, 2011) All technologies have influences which are positive and negative. This paper will cover the positive and negative impacts of voice and speech technologies; past, present, and future. We will begin with the historical development and context of SR. Then we will delve into how SR can have an effect on political and legal powers. We will also discuss economic questions and considerations involving SR as well as moral and ethical implications. This paper examines the cultural context and media influence of SR in addition to psychological considerations, sociological concerns, and environmental effects.

Speech Recognition - The Emerging Technology

Introduction (Donna Cassan)

Speech recognition (SR) software is rapidly progressing into a technology that has far reaching impacts in several areas. Voice recognition software corresponds with speech recognition software, which converts articulated words into...