Submitted by: Submitted by faziaromana
Views: 400
Words: 9875
Pages: 40
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 04/21/2013 05:56 AM
Organisational Behaviour Management
Chapter 1: Foundations of Management and Organizations (p.30-p.47)
Management History Module (p.55-p.66)
Chapter 2: Constraints and Challenges for the Global Manager (p.70-p.88)
Chapter 7: Decision Making (p.204-p.222)
Chapter 9: Strategic Management (p.250-p.267)
Chapter 8: Foundations of Planning (p.230-p.243)
Chapter 10: Foundations of Organizational Design (p. 290-p.306)
Chapter 11: Contemporary Organizational Design (p. 314-p.329)
Chapter 17: Leadership (p.486-p.504)
Chapter 18: Foundations of Control (p.512-p.533)
Chapter 6: Change and Innovation (p.178-p.197)
Chapter 1: Foundations of Management and Organizations
1.1 Explain why managers are important to organizations
Managers are important to organizations for three reasons. First, organizations need their managerial skills and abilities in uncertain, complex, and chaotic times. Second, managers are critical to getting things done in organizations. Finally, managers contribute to employee productivity and loyalty; the way employees are managed can affect the organization’s financial performance; and managerial ability has been shown to be important in creating organizational value.
Manager: Someone who coordinates and oversees the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished
1.2 Tell who managers are and where they work
Managers coordinate and oversee the work of other people so that organizational goals can be accomplished. Nonmanagerial employees work directly on a job or task and have no one reporting to them. In traditionally structured organizations, managers can be first-line, middle, or top. In other more loosely configured organizations, the managers may not be as readily identifiable, although someone must fulfil that role.
Managers work in an organization, which is a deliberate arrangement of people to accomplish some specific purpose. Organizations have three characteristics: a distinctive purpose,...