Ea Games: an Organizational Behaviour Perspective

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Date Submitted: 12/28/2014 10:07 PM

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Electronic Arts (EA) is an interactive entertainment software company that “develops, publishes, and distributes interactive software worldwide for Internet-connected consoles, personal computers, mobile phones, tablets and social networks.” (“About EA - Electronic Arts Canada.”, n.d.) They were founded in 1982 in Redwood City, CA by Trip Hawkins. While the company has grown since 1982, their headquarters remain in Redwood City, and includes 5 different labels: EA Games, EA SPORTS, EA Maxis, EA Interactive, and EA Bioware, consisting of 9000 employees worldwide. While each label is part of EA’s overall corporate structure, they function independently to create different styles of games. EA’s rise to dominance in the videogame market has been substantial. In fiscal 2012, EA reported revenues of $4.1 billion. (“About EA - Electronic Arts Canada.”, n.d.) While this number is impressive, EA has had its fair share of problems, including lawsuits from employees for unpaid overtime, unreasonable demands of their employees, attempting to monopolize the market, among other issues, and in 2013 were voted “Worst Company in America” by Consumerist. (Tassi, 2013) Some of these issues will be discussed in further depth, and how it affects their functioning as an organization. EA’s executives consist 11 member, including a Chief Executive Officer, Senior Vice President of Maxis, Chief Technology Officer, Executive Vice President of EA Mobile, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Vice President of Business and Legal Affairs, Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice President of EA Studios, Executive Vice President and Chief Talent Officer, Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, and a Chief Marketing Officer. (“EA Executives”, n.d.) Based on the composition of their corporate structure, this falls into line with the CEO’s vision of an interconnected corporate culture that emphasizes working together and creating a relationship not only with each,...