Gap Analysis Intersect Investments

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Gap Analysis: Intersect Investments

University of Phoenix

Gap Analysis: Intersect Investments

Intersect Investment’s is face with many challenges both internally and externally in their way to become an industry leader once again. With external challenges like customer satisfaction and market awareness and credibility Intersect Investments need’s to implement measures to combat trust and credibility issues externally. Other serious issues weigh the company down like companywide goal commitments to new vision, people afraid of change in the status quo, and an overall resistance to change.

Situation Analysis

Issue_ and Opportunity Identification_

Intersect Investments in going thru a period in the financial services industry where it is becoming more and more difficult to stay in business due to loss of clients and a general distrust by Wall Street and the general public. As Intersect Investments unveils a new vision by Frank Jetters the CEO he is met with resistance to change, management and others afraid of change of status quo, and little to no goal commitment from anyone. With a new face to lead the change Janet Angelo the new EVP to Intersect Investments is faced with many challenges but if this challenges can be made into positives Intersect Investments will realize it goal of becoming an industry leader once again.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

In the scenario for Intersect Investment’s I believe there are two main stakeholder groups involved in the scenario. One such group and perspective is that of the CEO, senior leadership and management. This group I believe has a bigger stake in the welfare and stability of the company while also having more to lose if certain things do not go their way. This first groups interest should be to increase profitability across the board for the company, have accountability for actions taken by them or their subordinates as far as goals...