Case Analysis: Carl Robins, Campus Recruiter, Abc Inc.

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Case Study

Rodney D. Johnson

Essentials of College Writing COMM/215

June 7, 2010

Donna Strong



The central problem in the current situation is the absence of logistical preparation for the induction, orientation, and training for the new recruits. Correcting the central problem requires the rapid development of a logistics plan to provide the logistical requirements. The necessary logistical requirements are (a) orientation and training facilities, (b) orientation and training materials, (c) trainee documentation, and (d) trainee drug screens. The development of an effective solution at this point requires that Robins (a) immediately define precisely the tasks that must be accomplished, (b) task completion timelines, (c) coordinating task completion and scheduling with the Human Resources Department and the Facilities Management Department, and (d) assumption of the responsibility for monitoring the task completion process. Robins has a number of two weeks to correct the logistics problems ensure an effective induction, orientation, and training experience for the new recruits.

Situational Background

The case involving Carl Robins, Campus Recruiter for ABC, Inc., may be accurately described as a textbook example of the outcomes that is expected when managerial behavior epitomizes the adage, “a failure to plan is planning to fail,” or words to that effect. That adage today frequently is attributed to the late UCLA basketball coach John Wooden. The origin of the adage also is frequently to Winston Churchill, Benjamin Franklin, and a host of others. In reality, in some form the adage may be found in most cultures. The validity of the adage, or proverb, is obvious on its face. The adage is somewhat strange, therefore so many writers claim it as their own original thought. Nevertheless, it the adage is spot on as the synthesis of the source of the central problem that must...