Case Study Analysis Paper

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Case Study Analysis Paper


Case Study Analysis Paper

ABC, Inc. is a huge company that hires many new employs throughout the year. The hiring process is a big responsibility and demands exceptional organization and attention to detail skills.

Carl Robins the new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. is responsible for the new hire at ABC’ Inc. His responsibilities include

Robins had several problems that he created when hiring 15 new trainees for Monica Carrolls, ABC’s Operations Supervisor. By analyzing Carl’s first recruitment effort, we will discuss the problems Carl faced, and identify possible solutions for his success in future hiring. We will also identify key issues and their causes that Carl created in his first recruitment effort.

The biggest problem Carl created was assuring Monica on May 15 that everything would be arranged in time for the July, hire on for the new employees, goal date. With assuring Monica of this, Carl gave the impression that job qualifications such as training schedule, orientation, manuals, policy booklets, drug tests, physicals, and drug tests where already scheduled and/or completed. The problem with this is Carl did not check the paperwork needed for the new hires to attend the June 15 orientation before talking with Monica. When Carl discovered that all paperwork was not completed by the new hires he knew he gave Monica a false impression.

Carl should have verified that all paperwork was completed by the new hires before assuring the Operations Supervisor that everything was on Track for the July start date. This key issue would have given Carl some more time to organize and schedule time for the new hires to complete their applications and mandatory drug test before arriving at the orientation on June 15. Instead, the missing transcripts, incomplete applications, and mandatory drug test caused Carl to revaluate his planned schedule and will possibly push back the planned start date....