Human Resource Mangement Roles

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Human Resource Management Roles



Human Resource Management Roles

By understanding the delivery of health care from the perceptive of consumers, employees, payers, physicians, and regulators is the way in which Human resources departments play a role (HR leader model, 4/7/). The human resource department works closely with each individual involved in the organization to ensure that the organization is successful is imperative. Working with the employee, the human resource department helps them to understand their duties within the organization. Helping the entire organization to work together to accomplish the goals of the organization is the human resource department.

The most important role of the human resource department is to locate the best qualified candidates for the positions in that healthcare facility. Ensuring that they fully understand their job description, working closely with the candidates and training them on the duties that they will be carrying out. The human resource department will evaluate the employer after they have been with the business a certain amount of time to ensure that they are fulfilling their duties. Evaluations continue for every employee each year and sometimes multiple times a year.

Facing several challenges from economic pressures and regulatory compliance issues to a shortage of qualified professionals, the human resource department ensures that the organization is compliant with all federal and state laws. It is imperative for every health care organization to be compliant in delivering their services to people who need their services. Compensation and benefits of each employee are handled by the human resource department, including the salary, medical, dental and vision insurance and retirement packages. Most health care organizations have large numbers of employees so this can be an extensive job.

If employees are not fully trained and educated on...