Human Resource Management

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Words: 4226

Pages: 17

Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 05/23/2010 12:20 AM

Report This Essay


1. Objectives and Scope of Report .…………………………………………....2

2. Summary of Importance of Strategic HRM……………………………….2

3. Type of SHRM Model. ………………………………....................................3

1. Hofer and Schendel……………….………………………………….….4

2. Porter…………………..………………………………………………... 4

3. Miles and Snow Model……………….……………………………….…5

4. Strategic HRM Model Ericsson’s Case Study......………………................6

5. Relevant SHRM initiatives at Herman Miller, Sears, Ericsson….……….11

6. Issues & Recommendations in Ericsson’s SHRM…………………...….. 15

7. Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….17

8. References …………………………………………………………………..18

1. Objectives and Scope of Report

The Objective of the Report is to study Strategic HRM Model in Herman&Miller,Sear and Ericsson. Study on Herman&Miller, Sears will be part of the case study which will be further extended to Ericsson.

The main objectives of the report are:

a) To study the various types of models of Strategic HRM

b) To study the relevant strategic HRM initiatives at Herman Miller and Sears.

c) To learn about the HRM Issues in Ericsson by applying the strategic HRM model

d) The value addition i.e. Recommendations and Improvements on HRM in Ericsson India Ltd.

2. Summary of Importance of Strategic HRM

Before understanding Strategic HRM, let’s take a look at meaning of word “Strategy”.

Strategy is a multi-dimensional concept going well beyond traditional competitive strategy concepts. Strategies are broad statements that set a direction. Strategies are a specific, measurable, obtainable set of plans carefully developed with involvement by an institution's stakeholders. These action statements are linked to an individual or individuals who are accountable and empowered to achieve the stated result in a specific desired timeframe.  They...